Online Teaching Forum Proceedings Available

Assistant Professor Deb Orr actively took notes during the college’s first Online Teaching Forum and then generated these Session Proceedings, which briefly capture each presentation within the three sessions, as well as individual Q & A afterwards. Some presenters also shared helpful info via examples, a Powerpoint presentation, or their websites (below).

Session 1: Enhancing Teaching via New Applications

Vince Cyboran: Using ‘Screenr’ to Create Video Podcasts and Using Blackboard to Display the ‘Casts

Amanda Putnam: Enhancing Online Teaching with Jing

Session 2: Best Practices: Student Engagement and Communication

Kathy Iverson: Learning Contract, Learning Activity Report , sample Learning Activity Report, and Learning Activity Report rubric

Jennifer Sarno: examples of her “Words of Encouragement”

Tammy Oberg De La Garza: Building Community with Learners, and her FAQ for using YouTube within her classroom (students recording and uploading)

Session 3: Confronting ‘You Can’t Do That Online’

Carl Zimring, Mike Bryson, Maris Cooke: Field Trip Experiences in Online Courses

Mike Bryson: Chicago_River_Ecology

Vince Cyboran: Using Guest Speakers in a Fully Online, Asynchronous Course

Tana McCoy: Rapping with Offenders: The Use of Chat to Facilitate a Synchronous Interaction between Students and a Former Skinhead

New Online Teaching Certificate Offered

The Graduate Program in Training and Development is offering a new Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching. The first class is being offered this fall fully online: Online Teaching Theory and Application (TRDV 501), taught by Associate Professor Vince Cyboran. Contact Tara Hawkins, Coordinator for Training and Development, for more information or to learn which courses will be offered in the spring and summer.